

  • Product Designer working with Product Owners and Developers


  • Figma

  • Mural

  • FigmJam


  • Whole design process: 4 weeks

  • Research: 1 week

  • Design and iterations: 3 weeks

Advanced charts and table view of current design

SOTI Connect is a Mobile Device Management (MDM) Solution for Internet of Things (IOT) devices such as mobile printers. Upon entry to the software, SOTI Connect offers an advanced dashboard view to users allowing for quick, high level glances of all the devices, and their properties under the organization. The dashboard limits the ways information is presented to the user to mainly text or charts.

Too rigid in it’s layout and level of complexity

With only being able to view data in tables or bar and line charts limits users who digest information better through visuals. Primary users are IT administrators but other personas with less of a technical background find this main view too complex.

How might we present data to suit multiple users and use cases?

Solution? Create your own dashboards!

Dashbaords allows Connect Admin users the flexibility they need to create views specific towards different use cases and around specific groups of devices. Admins are also able to refine permissions so that they can manage who has read access and send those on the job only dashboards that are specific to them.

Create different dashboards for different cases

  • Create as many dashboards as you like

  • Add as little or as much information to your board

  • Ability to create dashboards for different groups of devices and user groups

Your data, viewed your way

  • Display the same set of data points over various visual widgets

Kick-off with Product and Developers to define key details for Phase 1

Meeting with Product Owner and Developers to define key details for beginning the design process. the scope of feature, discuss the background, feature goals, timeline and roadmap.

  • Allow users to create their own dashboard views using widgets

  • Allow users to view created boards

  • Set viewing permissions for different user groups

  • Allow users to configure 9 widgets

Competitor analysis with direct competitors and builder software

Looking at competitors to see best solutions to building dashboards and configuring widgets. Expanding on the current acceptance criteria to consider additional functionality that will add considerable value to the feature.

  • Builder environments have side panels to manage widgets, layers and widget properties

  • Start a dashboard from scratch or use a pre-defined template

  • Drag and drop, no code creation of dashboards

  • Use of tabs to have mini dashboards inside a master

Defining flows

From research, two flows were drafted - one for the creation of dashboards, and the other for viewing, considering dashboard creation would likely be managed by Admin.

Creating dashboards

Viewing dashboards


With good references from research, finalized user flows and Information Architecture, I began designing wireframes. The design went through iterations to testing by the design and development team up to the point of a final design.


Throughout the development process for Dashboards, Developers and I have been in constant communication. They will pick-up a Dashboard feature for 1-3 sprints and I review it, offering feedback for improvements.


Working on this feature has shown me, again the importance of competitor analysis, and brainstorming workshops. With being given a loose acceptance criteria for this feature, pulling from other builder features and relying on my teams opinions and ideas all helped with the success of Dashboards.