Company provided devices for operations

Whether it’s a device used for navigating during a route, or health care worker using a device to communicate with others while on a shift, company assigned devices have become a crucial part of operations while on the job.

Time lost for end users signing into every app

Some workers rely on a series of applications that help them get the job done. But each app requires user authentication to access critical information directly relating to their role and responsibilities.

Every shift users spend unproductive time logging in to each app needed for their shift.

How might we reduce time spent for end users accessing all work apps at the start of their shift?

Leveraging Microsoft's Shared Device Mode with Single Sign-On

Microsoft saw this problem and developed Microsoft Shared Device with Single Sign-On capabilities. Instead of logging into Teams and then another company enterprise app, users just log in once to gain access to all apps needed for work.

Integrating Microsoft through 5 setups in MobiControl

Do to architecture of MobiControl, IT Admin would need to relocate towards 5 touch-points in the product to get Shared Device with Single Sign-On up and working in no particular order; Profiles to configure Feature Control; Apps Policy to configure Microsoft Authenticator with Shared Device and SSO capabilities; Microsoft 365 to provide the device access to Microsoft applications; Directories to properly configure user groups with the application needed for these features; and Shared Device configuration to bind everything together.

Configure a connection between your organization and Microsoft Applications

Conveniently switch views to see dashboards across multiple warehouse locations, each dashboards with a set of specific collection of devices and operations that are crucial to each site.

Configure and push Microsoft Authenticator App

For end users to be able to use single sign-on and shared device, they require an authentication application to perform all the handshakes in the background.

Enable and configure shared device mode for a group of devices

With all preliminary setups complete, devices and the device management tool, MobiControl have all the connections and prerequisites needed to enable single sign on and give end users the capabilities to be shared amongst multiple users.

Users can now enable shared device mode for a group of devices and set any other details such as log in actions etc.

Introducing Single Sign On with Shared Device

Allowing end users the ability to log in to once and gain access to the breadth of work apps needed on the job, and allowing companies to save a fortune on devices by provisioning device data so that one device can be shared among multiple employees.

After the series of studies, all participants had shown a need for these features and appreciation for a seamless experience configuring them.

One log in to access all apps

Allowing users to log in once reduces the amount of time spent setting up for the start of their shift.

One location to log out of all apps

For employees transferring shared devices to another employee at the end of their shift, they save time during this handoff by being able to just sign out once.

This also increases security as they no longer have to worry about their data in cases where one app may have been missed.

Feature learnings

1. Solving for complex workflows
Communication within this feature was of extra importance. Do to the system architecture, with a workflow as complex as this, configurations were needed throughout the product to get this feature up and running. By considering how confusing this configuration could be, allowed me to properly think through how we would respond to the user during each setup and afterwards to ensure that every setup point has been configured and the user is not lost as to what to do next.
2. Collaborating with a User Experience Researcher
This feeature taught me how to rely on our researchers data to make more informed decisions during the design phase. The researcher did most of the heavy lifting to understand the technical requirements and produced flow diagrams so that we were able to understand the flow of our partners and our system to ensure that we understood how we were to make that connection.
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